Physiotherapy can treat a variety of headache and neck pain including vertigo, BPPV and dizziness
We have a large variety of large and small muscles in our neck to hold up our head and help us our head around. Some of the muscles start down either side of our spine or in our shoulders or attach at the front of our neck and the base of our cranium (skull). With repetitive movements, periods of inactivity (such as spending time looking at a computer screen, mobile phone or laptop), overuse of these muscles or sudden trauma sustained from an injury can all contribute to pain such as whiplash, headaches, tight shoulders and rye neck.
Other issues can include dizziness, vertigo or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which can be a side effect of head trauma such as an injury sustained in a car accident.
Physio treatment for Vertigo and Dizziness
Diagnosis and Treatment for Vertigo
Vertigo and BPPV, when caused by the movement of the crystals can be treated with a series of specific movements by a physio that encourage the crystals to move out of the canals and return to their intended location. The initial assessment would diagnose the type & severity of the vertigo, identify which axis is affected by the displaced crystals. From there the physio will move the head in different directions to slowly move the dislodged crystals out of the ear canals back to the balance organ.
It can take several treatments to correct vertigo and you may feel ‘off balance’ after your treatment so we recommend bringing someone along who is able to take you home after your treatment, at least for the first visit.